Monday 28 March 2011

Wisdom, love and general life management...

As it is written in the Bible: “wisdom is better than silver and gold” (yes Bob Marley was singing about that) and “and now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
What is the importance of those in relation to truth and freedom? Wisdom for me, in its purest sense, is the use of truth in a God pleasing manner. That is acting with justice and compassion. Love is (besides the fact that it is probably many things) the act of applied wisdom towards a other person from our own free will (i.e. a choice), with the highest manifestation of compassion being self-sacrifice. Acting with wisdom allows us to get the best for not only our selves, but also for others. It allows for a good relation with other people and builds a positive atmosphere. It is not the same as allowing the other party to do anything without critique, but it is helping other people to improve their own lives. It supports the best solutions, a humble life and encourages peace, but also remains ready for a rapid response to developing conflicts if necessary. Both require the freedom to express them; one must be able to express himself, so that he can freely make those decisions and put them into practise. That is one of the reasons why I believe that truth and freedom are so important and why we should incorporate wisdom and love into our everyday lives.

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